6 months no alcohol before and after

    It started to improve rather quickly when I decided to stop playin but it wasnt like normal right away. During this journey you will try lots of techniques, strategies and ways to change your relationship with alcohol. If you look back at family pictures, Im always holding a can of beer. I am almost five months sober, and I really dont have any huge & obvious improvements, except I know my health/bloodwork has improved drastically. Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of "Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder" and "7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety.". It shows how much alcohol ages you, and Im so happy about the difference in my appearance. I dont have much of an appetite and I have lost 25 lbs. I drank around 2 to 3 bottles of wine per day, everyday over covid lockdown, so almost 1.5 years and before that was a binge drinker for 10 years..I was miserable. Finally, you may start to My confidence has improved and clarity of purpose too. So as of todays date I have been sober for 192 days. And Yes! Overwhelming smugness is another side effect which I have to keep in check. Im going to keep travelling this path. Its been 2 months now I cant believe how deep I sleep at night. I ended up in the hospital the weekend of Labor Day because my left foot turned purple and swelled up double the size. It was nothing for me to polish off a bottle or 2 sometimes 3. I did not like the vivid dreams and the difficulty falling asleep, but that has abated as well. Ive previously done 4 week AF periods and always feel good. Its a mindset and yes you should and can do it. June 12th,19 days in, sleeping better, eating better , just finding things to do, thanks all. thanks. I have been trying to cut back as I have been drinking quite heavily over the last year. Im much more myself staying away from alcohol than when drinking. I think its because my body is in shock. But thats the only drawback. Worth fighting. Husband is 100% better. Next its the 60 pounds I gained since 2016 Doctors told him to stop drinking 5 years ago or he would die. No added salts (switched for potassium) lots of fruits and Veggies still snacking on chocolate but within my caloric allowance. Literally everyday 12 beers no worries!!!. Lifeline is also available for support 24/7 on 13 11 14. Drinking used to take up a lot of my time, now I use time wisely. Your email address will not be published. Never a heavy drinker as such and abstaining during the week, I was tending in the middle of the Covid 19 restrictions, to let go on weekends a little too freely to the detriment of quality time with my Son and work around my old house. I am doing The Alcohol Experiment with Annie Grace. WebThe answer to this question is a no. This allows your body to adjust to the change. No weight loss for me. Definitely drinking a lot more then I should be doing. An excellent observation as overall body inflammation decreases wit less alcohol. But I really didnt think could do it. If your body learned to live with alcohol for a long time then it will take time learning to live without it. Now, observing other people get drunk can be entertaining. This February will be 12 months alcohol free af, I hope you can help me give some idea Ive had the shakes and was drinking so much my blood pressure was so high I was hospitalized 2x I have stopped drinking 2 months now goofed-up on 3 ipa at a Christmas party which I didnt want to go I feel worse now than when I was drinking many ipas. I also really liked very expensive beers and I have noticed my spend going down and i have lost about 20 pounds. Inflammatory issues such as arthritic hands & feet feel Hi- Ive been drinking wine almost every night of the week, 2-4 glasses a night. If you're one of these individuals, you may have decided that it's time to quit drinking. Got through my first Xmas last year and New Years Eve it was fine . I also started gym , eating more than I should. Now I wanna see what I can do sober. Since stopping drinking I sleep SO well, my face isnt puffy anymore its normal again, no weight loss but thats because Ive replaced booze with coke! Was a heavy drug user recreationally for about a half decade in my early 20s, quit cold Turkey but about 13-14 years ago I hit the bottle. Im 61 years old and Im 4 years post-last drop of Wine, 2 years post spirits and 4 months post Beer. This time around, I took a different approach. Quitting drinking as well as smoking cigarettes 9 months ago, all benefits everyone has mentioned, but I sure have seen more money in pockets. I was drinking over 100 units a week with constant body aches. I was ashamed of my drinking and felt ashamed the next morning by how many beers I had the day before. I believe both have been huge influences on who and where I am today. Lots of love. Resentments are a common problem among recovering alcoholics. The pandemic hit and started beinge drinking for 3,4, even five days straight. If you drink regularly, your brain will start to compensate by producing stimulating chemicals, according to Harvard Health. . I get a sugar rush just thinking about it. When did you notice it started to improve and if it returned to normal (without meds) how long did it take? I was always counting the calories of the alcohol in my diet, but often it would make me wake up at night and binge eat and ruin my day. Increased libido. I lost fat and became more lean and muscular.. Also my GERD Symptoms seem to vanish too. Ive been sober 9 months and loving it. Wish me luck! I cant wait to get to bed at night, when I used to stay up til 2:00 am.. I wake up an hour earlier than I used to NOT TIRED and not hungover! It will give you blurred vision, decrease reaction times, impaired memory etc. I decided on New Years to only drink on weekends. Very encouraging to read the messages here and know it can be done. Feeling great except like some other comments I thought I would loss weight but have actually gained due to my cravings. Self medications after a few Florida hurricanes and the pandemic years took me to the level I described. But life has its own timing and logic sometimes. I enjoyed reading all the experiences. Im 118 lbs. TMI no more constipation. My prayers are with us all. If you only indulge occasionally, withdrawal won't have as big of an impact, but your body will still detox from the booze. Sometimes almost both. If someone is in the habit of drinking consistently, especially an athlete, this leads to dehydration and depletion of certain necessary vitamins and minerals as a result, as well as sluggishness because youre not getting the hydration your body needs, says Linzy Ziegelbaum, RD, CDN, the founder of LNZ nutrition. Without the carbs from alcohol, I am craving sweets like so many others have written. The groups are a learning experience with counselors who know what they are talking about because theyve been thru it already. I drank to forget the bad memories, then i realized drinking made me remember the bad/sad things . 3 weeks no booze, after escalating during Covid. Six months of abstinence is not a good predictor of long-term sobriety, and for people with conditions like Gorzneys, more than half die within that time. Ive struggled through dry months. Good luck to all . It has been more of a mental ride than physical. When I said that craving sweets was the only drawback, that was an oversimplification. I am also doing intermittent fasting, eating just one meal a day and have cut way back on sugar. So far, I havent noticed any weird cravings except coffee. I was a daily drinker (around almost a bottle of wine in the evening, Id always leave a little bit just so I didnt feel guilty about drinking an entire bottle). i underwent numerous tests and had 6 litres of the 10 litres of fluid drained. All my medical testing came back with healthy liver, healthy kidneys, healthy heart have a routine check up next month as that will mark 1 year since the liver told us something was going wrong if I didnt stop. Thank you for this information it has been extremely informative and helpful. I think its really important to find something to replace the drinking with and to look forward to. The choices we make regarding our physical and mental health impact our long-term wellbeing. Which is why it is important to stay alert and keep track of all your triggers that might lead to a relapse. Diminished anxiety. I think it has got worse over the years. You may never have expected to get this far in your journey, but you have showed a great deal of commitment to get here. Im a professional musician, and my performing has taken a huge leap upwards. water per day, and my fitbit shows my average resting heart rate has dropped from 69 to 57. Check out the supportive community on our Daybreak app or get some health coaching support to encourage you along this path. Stop counting. You can opt-out at any time. Gets better after month 5. By ditching the alcohol and upping your water intake, its really a win-win for your hydration status and will leave your skin feeling healthier and looking more radiant, she says. She also has an app The Alcohol Experiment. Im a health care worker. Thank You. Saitz R. Introduction to alcohol withdrawal. Now, three years later, I live in New York, the city that never sleeps, and Im constantly around alcohol. Stay strong my dude. I was a very heavy drinker, I would say close to a handle of Vodka a day, everyday for over 3 years. To be honest, I'm not sure how many drinks I downed each week, but it was more than five during any given night out. Surround yourself with people who care to take care of their health. I sleep better, look better, am enjoying meditation and exercise, am nicer to be around (Im told) and go to bed counting my blessings and looking for ways to be a better person in a difficult world. I too had a big addiction to wine. I had gained so much weight and got very sedentary. But I do get depressed alot of thinking what drinking caused. White Cheddar rice cakes are my crutch. Im mentally far sharper than I can recall being since my late 30s. Rewarded myself after 11 days with no alcohol. After on and off attempts at going AF, Im now feeling confident that I will remain AF for the rest of my life. Will build a schedule around it Haha. They have annual group meets, and other practices that will give you something to look forward to and keep reminding you that staying sober is worth it. Then I lost control again. 1 week Also, your sleep Sleep better, get more done, lost ony 3 pound up to now. 3 months in, no change at all, dont feel better , sleep quality much worse, Im more stressed and miserable tbh, everyone is different, you read so many positive ha ha stories how wonderful life is, time for a balancing opinion. Its incredible how long I have forgone it, but feel I am back on track for life now. Im a 39 year old male. I dont have nightmares anymore, off an ssri, and so much more. I have also experienced the craving of sweets that others have mentioned which in moderation hasnt been too bad for my weight. Thank you for this forum. Aha! Coffee and tons of water. Its a bit bizarre. for up to six (6) guests providing majority of guests are present at the time of the request. 2018;29(4):285-289. After showing my butt Christmas Eve I resolved to quit permanently after 20+ years of daily drinking. Id tried before but Ive never been as successful as I have been this time. In case you were wondering, I dont feel like Im missing out on anything by drinking alcohol so rarely. I am currently 4 full months in. As you go on staying sober for longer terms it will affect your brain positively. I feel clear and optimistic for the first time in 20+ years. i am off it 10 months the weight fell off me at first too very fast. I started running. One handle a day. This is an important thing to look out for at any stage of sobriety. Beach equipment is provided during the Beach facilitys hours of operation. I find that one drink doesnt keep me from making healthy decisionsand its much easier to stop after one than after two or three. Then it just dawned on me. I hope it works for you I am AF 50 days now and know Im an all or nothing personality. Ive complained for a long time about a fear of premature death. almost no alcohol for soon 8 months now, with different health issues aside, im clearer in my head than ive been in years. I just wanted to share that Ive felt all the benefits listed in this article and more. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. The weight gain came (and quite a bit ) -but my 12 step program mentality is now helping me correct the weight problem! But when you reach that turning point and stay sober for 6 months, it will start restoring your physical health. Firstly, thank you Alyssa Sterry. Looking forward to spending more time gardening, playing with the kids and being a good husband to a wonderful, supportive wife. You'll also have more energy and stamina, and you may notice that your Easier to Eat Healthier. Hello Blue Bamboo, Alcohol paralyzes brain cells and prevents us from sense life and everything around us 2. Going out every weekend and during the week too. Cant sleep much at night but sleep late in mornings. Was it easy: No, it took 3 months before I started feeling better and 6 months before I lost any weight (Im a 61 male, weighed 211 when I quit, 190 now). I think giving up drinking is an incredibly hard choice to make (until youve got no other option). Fortunately I am not overweight so a few extra chocolates wont hurt. This is the number 1 for me and what keeps me going. So, giving up alcohol can help you to avoid these potentially deadly diseases. Continue using the strategies, tools and support team that has helped you get this far and dont hesitate to reach out for support when you need it to stay on track. I believe my mind will become more clear as time goes on and I often look up articles that predict what I will experience going forward from my 3rd month of sobriety I am at now. I knew if I wanted to say goodbye to the weight, I'd have to say goodbye to the booze. For a while I had to search for words to finish a simple sentence. My coffee intake also increased with half teaspoon of sugar in a mug, low fat milk. At this stage, youve continued to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. For a lot of reasons you will feel a little low because the toxins are starting to leave your body and you will see the lack of serotonin or the happy chemicals. I took a 75 day challenge of no drinking. I had a month sober and blew it I promised my son I would continue being sober because he likes to be around me sober. I didnt crave anything except red wine (I used this as part of my denial that I even had a problem). The systems broken, not you . If you or a loved one are struggling with alcohol use disorder, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area. Sleep still eludes me but I still wake up feeling better than I did before. I can look forward now with hope and can actually make a go of things. I noticed I always had to have a drink in my hand. Highly recommend. In fact, all my life Ive always had terrible hangovers way worse than anyone. That overall sluggishness and lack of sleep that come from alcohol may contribute to consuming more calories and weight gain, research published in Nutrition and Diabetes shows. Today just to see.. I guess I was just obese and cutting all those calories made a huge difference. I was a daily drinker, some weeks drinking more than a half gallon of rum and more than a handful of beers. Think the booze and fags caused it. A recent study backs up those claims and showed that giving up drinking boosts your mental health too. I hope continued better treatment of my body fully normalizes the BP but I will continue to trim down which will also help. More gently cooked veggies, beans and a little berries works for me. Come month 7 I feel like a normal person, the majority of the body chemicals have now settled and withdrawal symptoms have gone. 6 Weeks Without Alcohol You may have higher thinking and problem-solving skills, memory and attention than those who are still drinking alcohol. November I pulled the BP monitor out regularly over 140/95, scared me a lot. I do get tempted every now and again but after 6 months the downsides of alcohol just dont seem worth it anymore. Fructose apparently has a similar effect on the liver as alcohol. If alcahol is controlling you and you need to change it, plan ahead, write it all down, do some research and be kind to yourself. I mean they have a sixth grade education and have never heard the word scholarly. I have been sober for a month now. I dont miss alcohol at all even when Im around others who are drinking. Had been binge drinking for almost 2 decades although i have always been sports oriented. I am now at the three-month mark. Some people find that their self-esteem improves and ability to be self-compassionate also increases (Collison et al., 2016). But I rarely drink. A big problem is boredom, especially during the dark winter months. I have energy, passion, drive, concentration & guess what? It is worth mentioning that nutritional status improvement occurs when someone strop drinking, which is one big reason why people may see many of the above improvements with sobriety. If you drink heavily and regularly, you may feel cravings for alcohol in addition to withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, agitation, insomnia, tremors, and palpitations. The next morning (er, afternoon) when I woke up, I was in punishment mode. Dont let drinking do it to you like it did in the past, alcohol runs your brain cause it was use to it. But the last six months are easily noticeable. I want to go back to having a glass of champagne with my wife and not hiding bottles around the street. It seems moderating is very difficult if not impossible for me, but total abstinence is relatively easy. You go girl, I stoped drinking alcohol 3 moths ago plus quit smoking I feel so much healthier. Anyway, good for yall!!! Im in my 60s Ive tried quitting three times before. From sleep and clear skin. This is because alcohol is a costly habit, so giving it up can free up some extra cash. AND YOU CAN HAVE AS MANY AS YOU WANT. Want to loose another 12 lbs and wont drink alcohol until at least Sept 1st. Over the first 30 days, you will notice the weight going down naturally. I still exercised, but I didnt enjoy it anymore. Happier already-no waking up to a hangover and the shame that comes with it. Heineken and Becks make really great ones and I was an IPA fan. Weve all been brainwashed about alcohol at some point. 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    6 months no alcohol before and after