army retirement award bullets examples

    SPC Thomas worked side by side with the civilian digital engineers and understood many of the complicated problems associated with server configurations and Joint Network Node integration. My leadership recommended me for an ARCOM, but now 1SG is saying they can only include bullets from my time at my current . Army Safety Excellence Streamer. SPC Dirt served as a clerk in the Bravo Battery training room. She executes extremely well and with unfaltering reliability; utilizes self motivation to successfully accomplish the most challenging of tasks. SPC McQueen continued to sustain a high standard for herself as she strived for self improvement. While deployed to Kirkush Military Training Base (KMTB) Iraq, FNAME was chosen to spearhead the maintenance portion of the Logistics Training Advisory Team to help advise and train the Iraqi Army. During JRTC rotation 10-10 SPC Mitchell set himself apart from his peers by going above and beyond what was expected. FOR EXCEPTIONALLY MERITORIOUS SERVICE FROM 2 OCTOBER 1975 THROUGH 30 APRIL 2010. Throughout his twenty four years of service, Master Sergeant Carter has distinguished himself by exceptional duty performance in positions of importance and responsibility. Ms. Strizich's achievements, dedication and exemplary performance of duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of government service and reflect great credit upon herself, the Installation Management Command and the United States Army. Linking the achievement to an attributes show that the achievement was both exceptional and nested in the unit's vision/Army leadership doctrine/army values. SSG Doe volunteered 84 hours of his off duty time to provide concessions and clean-up support to the St. Louis Cardinals and the stadium. He improved the company's overall readiness on decontamination operations, casualty care, and sample techniques. Those responsibilities included the completion of over 1,200 trouble tickets, establishing VOIP, VOSIP, NIPR and SIPR communications, video teleconferencing (VTC), and Army Training and Certification Tracking Systems (ATCTS), which tracked the BN for all automated training certifications. During the successful performance of his duties, SGT --- maintained a 100 percent free accident record contributing to the unit accident-free running total of -- days. His long and illustrious career has been marked by humility and service and reflects great credit upon himself, the Georgia Army National Guard, and the United States Army. CW3 LNAME's 21 years of service are in keeping with the finest traditions of military service and has provided the United States Army with an extreme wealth of knowledge. Despite not having a relief in place with the previous CA element he/she still took the responsibility of teaching (xx number) of Host nation Soldiers weekly, eventually teaching (xx number) of Soldiers. SPC C's expertise as a Petroleum Supply Specialist (92F) was a key function for the Division Tactical Command Post (DTAC) training exercise from 01 September to 10 October 2015. With his outstanding leadership, professional skills, and ceaseless efforts to ensure mission success, SSG Snuffy planned, coordinated, and conducted 15 funded events over two quarters, as well as developed an intricate and crucial network of educators in five schools that increased station production by 75%. He served as a representative to the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard which help build joint service Esprit de core for all maritime services. SPC Blank served as the Fire Marshal on the Primary Care Clinic from Jan 2010 to present. ACHIEVEMENT #1 SFC _____ distinguished himself by exceptionally superior service serving as an Observer Coach/Mentor with ___ Battalion, ____ Infantry Regiment from _date_ to _date_.During this period SFC _____ has provided collective training to multiple Multi-service Combat Support and Combat Service Support (CS/CSS) Reserve and National Guard units preparing to deploy in support of . SSG Knuclehead led the way by attending Advance Leaders Course, Property Book Course, Unit Supply Enactment Course and Unit Prevention Leaders Course. His selflessness to develop others will leave a lasting impression on the overall command and the Soldiers of the XX BN. We need more examples. Retirement OERs or NCOERs of less than 1 calendar year are optional. YOUR SELFLESS SACRIFICE AND DEDICATION TO MISSION ACCOMPLISHMENT ARE IN KEEPING WITH THE FINEST TRADITIONS OF THE MILITARY, AND REFLECTS GREAT CREDIT UPON YOU, THE UNITED STATES ARMY RECRUITING COMMAND AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. SPC Ross made significant contributions to the overall success of the unit's redeployment to Operation Enduring Freedom XI. She attended college at University of Maryland and Central Texas College completing 42 college credits and maintaining a GPA of 3.0. His long and illustrious career has been marked by humility and service and reflects great credit upon himself, the Georgia Army National Guard, and the United States Army. SGT Waters developed and published the Standard Operating Procedures for the company as it grew into a reception element for Wounded Warriors. Mobilized into the city of Kalamazoo and augmented with State and local Law Enforcement to assist in maintaining peace and safeguarding the community impacted by nonpeaceful protests. Standards. His expertise and knowledge as a Heavy equipment operator has being instrumental to the company's readiness, while serving as a drivers training monitor in conjunction with the company Master Driver. As a lower enlisted soldier in the Mortar Section SPC Mitchell consistantly carried out his tasks in a very proficient manner and not only met the standards set forth by the Mortar Section but exceeded them. DA form 638 is used for requesting military awards for meritorious actions in and out of combat. Set up the following units for success. As such, he was among the few Functional Capability Developers who greatly influenced the design of the GCSS Army System across multiple areas under design and development to include such areas as: Supply, Plant Maintenance, Property Book, DFPS, HR, and Financial Modules. SGT DOE displayed a high level of competence and professionalism while serving as a team leader, M240 gunner, and truck commander for CBRN/Security platoon 1BSTB. ACHIEVEMENT #1 _____________served exceptionally as a Stryker ICVV driver while assigned to . Due to his diligence, there have been no fire safety hazards on the Primary Care Clinic. In a career that began in South Korea and ended at Fort Hood Texas and culminated in being entrusted as a Battery First Sergeant in two different units, one of which resulted in the activation of a new battery, he has been an example of leadership. His skill, competence and leadership enhanced the preparation and overall accomplishment of Operation Task Force Harvest, resulting in over 2,000 pieces of equipment turned in without error. Army National Guard Award Examples. If you have them, we need more examples. Her efforts supported the timely close out of funding at the department of the Army level while ensuring SEDD met all requirements for a clean fiscal year close out. Back to Procedure page . . An innovative and relentless troubleshooter, his vast technical knowledge greatly aided in the company's success while deployed, with little material support, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 05. He motivated and mentored 9 Soldiers to accomplish each mission. He distinguished himself by ensuring that International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), Afghan National Security Force (ANSF), and local populist by clearing their main MSRs. Throughout his military career, Staff Sergeant Smith has served with honor and distinction in numerous positions, from those associated with his primary MOS as a Maintenance Technician, to his career as a Military Police Team Leader. It is recommended that such periods be limited to the last 10 years of service. Comments on the OER are typically in paragraph form . During Operation Enduring Freedom, SPC Berdan continuously volunteered to work above and beyond his peers during his down time to ensure the Platoons Howitzers were fully mission capable. Meritorious service awards may be awarded, upon retirement, which may include periods of service longer than that served in the recommending command. This is not to imply that an extended period of service should be considered for every There are two broad categories of medals: those awarded for (1) meritorious service (honorable service over a long period of time) and (2) achievement (a single significant act such as a difficult deployment, rescuing people, or completing a self-help project). His actions and support contributed to raising over $7,400.25 for the Transportation Battalion to use for organizational and morale building events. Army Regulation 600-8-22 1-23. His efforts contributed greatly to the overall morale and welfare of the Soldiers and Civilians serving on Camp Buehring. Award recommendations submitted for meritorious service based upon retirement will be submitted so that they may be processed to conclusion prior to the requested presentation date. HER LOYALTY, PROFESSIONALISM AND OUTSTANDING CARE FOR SOLDIERS WERE PARAMOUNT TO OVERALL MISSION ACCOMPLISHMENT. Enter the award being recommended to include number of award/oak leaf cluster. Can't find yours or want to contribute. Soldier provided Subject Matter Expertise, oversight, and supervision of all operations and logistical efforts of the Assembly Area used to stage 200 Soldiers fighting the pandemic while directly supervising 24 Soldiers. While performing as a range safety on Range 47A, SPC Watson's diligence ensured safety standards were met while his attention to detail enabled Soldiers and Coaches precise and timely maneuvers during Weapons Qualifications. In this he not only demonstrated a personal dedication to his duties but also brought great credit to his company and battalion as well. SGT Doe deployed in OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM 08-09 and OPERATION NEW DAWN where he completed a wide variety of missions ranging from conducting mounted combat patrols to Company Intelligence Support Team lead analyst. SPC Greene's loyalty to military Soldiers who never had a chance to return home and the friends and families of those who have served and continue to serve showed greatly through the Camp Buehring 5k Memorial Day candle light dedication. Leaders can use this to help them brainstorm for ideas when writing achievement or service awards. SGT Alvarez distinguished himself by exceptional meritorious service, demonstrating to all that he is a professional Soldier, dedicated to excellence in his field of expertise. Soldier continued to perform the role of BN XO ensuring maintenance and logistics concerns of the 1-119th were addressed. SPC Watson's adaptability and willingness to execute any duty as needed was crucial in supporting all Range Operations. SPC Doe dedication and eagerness to succeed has made him a tactical proficient Soldier who is dedicated to excellence. Meritorious service is characterized by distinguished service and performance above that normally expected, over a sustained period. As a multi-functional logistician, he provided invaluable technical and tactical support to the War-fighter wherever he has been assigned. ATTACHMENT 1 Sample Supplementary Bullets Use the following format to submit bullets when additional justification is needed (i.e., performance reports do not reflect accomplishments included in the citation for various reasons, SGT sonso showed excellent leadership skills and superior technical knowledge, ensuring the battalion readiness rate remained above 95% during his service with the unit. SPC Doe's dedication to duty and knowledge from a previous deployment enabled him to assist the soldiers within the maintenance platoon to prepare for the deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 10-11 and Operation New Dawn. SPC Mays achieved a milestone in her career by demonstrating competency in system security, network infrastructure, and organizational security. His skill, competence and medical knowledge played a vital role in providing care to a daily patient census of over 170 patients in the Emergency Department. SPC Isbell managed over 700 accounts on the CENTRIX, NIPR, and SIPR communication networks for 8 different units and agencies throughout RC South. When writing the citation, it is not necessary to indicate the time period again; it is only pertinent to mention the total number of years of service, for example, over 22 years or 30 years of service. SGT XXX endlessly pursued strategies aimed at advancing the overall capabilities and readiness of the organization. His dedication to the task helped him proceed to the next Soldier of the Quarter for the 1-63rd Armor Regiment. SGT Doe memorized all the pictures, names, aliases, physical features, and duty positions of High Value targets (HVTs) given in the order. Acted as a mentor for the ANA Combat Medic Course in RST-S. He also taught the class Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services and how to properly carry out a lubrication order to standard to the Platoon. The following awards may be awarded upon retirement: He has done a phenomenal job while assigned to the unit, training Soldiers, NCOs, coordinating and executing plans. CW3 LNAME earned the top spot of all junior officers in his Regiment. SSG Snuff, during his tenure here at 108th BDE, 3rd Battalion 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment distinguished himself greatly by performing his duties as the BDE S-4 Assistance NCO, BDE UPL, Property Book NCO, HHB and Echo Battery Supply Sergeant. For meritorious service awards, the cited period is limited to the period of service during which the individual served under the recommending command, except in the case of retirement awards. Sergeant First Class Wilkins has continuously demonstrated dedication, exceptional service, professionalism, technical expertise and outstanding performance throughout his career. STAFF SERGEANT xxxxxx HAS CONTINUOUSLY DEMONSTRATED EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE, PROFESSIONALISM, TECHNICAL EXPERTISE, AND OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE THROUGHOUT HIS TWENTY YEAR CAREER. Among many of his achievements some of the noted include the following: Commended for the outstanding results on the Army Award for Maintenance Excellence (AAME) as the first Global Combat System Support Army (GCSS-Army) to compete for this award. SPC XXXXXX was selected to serve as the enlisted aide to the Command Sergeant Major of Regional Health Command-Pacific. As a Senior Information Systems Specialist SGT _______ performed the duties of the Group Support BN S6, Senior IT Specialist. His expertise not only in Aviation planning but also in the Air Defense systems allowed him to develop, refine, and implement Brigade TOC Battle Drills, resulting in increased efficiency throughout the Brigade TOC. His unique skills and can do attitude greatly contributed to mission success. FNAME earned the title of being the best Maintenance Officer that his command had ever worked with. SPC Lovatto was part of the Advanced party to FOB Wilson. I site these as samples. For over 30 years of meritorious service to the United States Army and the Georgia Army National Guard. For over 16 years of meritorious service to the United States Army and the Georgia Army National Guard. She/He also developed a long term English Instruction Program incorporating multiple Army (or joint forces) elements, which proved to be invaluable in supporting the SFABs training mission as indicated by SFAB Leadership. Sample Army Commendation Medal. It was well known that any project that FNAME worked on quickly earned a stamp of excellence. Daily operation of the battalion did not cease. SPC House, with his FLA crew, assisted Weed Army Community Hospital's Emergency Department during a real world MASCAL. ACHIEVEMENT #1. Recognized by the Battalion Commander as the best overall team participating in Shadow Strike 13-02, and the standard bearer for all teams to emulate in future training event. for the award as a scout leader for . SFC Robles has served the U.S. Army on four distant continents in peace and in war while holding every position available from a 13B Cannon Crewman Number 1, to Gunner, Section Chief, Gunnery Sergeant, Chief of Firing Battery, S-2 NCOIC, and Battery First Sergeant. SPC Doe started the complex repair during winter like conditions at Vagabond Airfield in Yakima Training center. Service recognition awards. SPC HOGNER, IN HIS ROLE AS THE S6 OFFICER, A CAPTAINS SLOT, WAS ABLE TO ACCURATELY AND IN DETAIL BRIEF THE BATTALION COMMANDER DURING ALL BATTLE UPDATE BRIEFS. SSG FELIX'S ACTIONS THROUGHOUT HIS CAREER RESULTED IN EXCEPTIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND WERE VITAL TO THE SUCCESS AND MISSION ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE UNITS HE SERVED WITH. Looking Back on Your Many Contributions. SPC McQueen's influential initiative motivated other members in her section to continue their college education. Visit these resources for free COA, AAM, ARCOM, and MSM bullets: See our 150+ Award Bullets Tool by award type in the Tools section of our website,,,,,,,,,,,, Check here for free editable memo templates (Letter of lateness, COA, and No Award Due). Photo Credit: PFC Mike Syner Courtesy of U.S. Army Award Bullets Go to our comment section on the right sidebar or to our contact us page. Here you will find DA form 638 example bullets and instructions. Go to our comment section on the right sidebar. CW3 LNAME's professionalism, knowledge and guidance has helped successfully field GCSS-Army to the War-fighter. SPC Walker developed the training schedules. We still want to help you as much as we possibly can which is why we offer free lifetime updates. Chief Warrant Officer Three (CW3) Name has distinguished himself through exceptional performance of duty and dedicated service culminating with his retirement of over 21 years of service in the United States Army. Write Army Awards with effective sample Award Achievement Statements (Award Bullets) While serving as Battle Captain of the Division's Analysis and Control Element, CPT Doe supervised the analysis and dissemination of intelligence reports to the Division G-2 and subordinate units, as well as other government agencies. - Escorted family for retirement ceremony; honors conveyed to departing service member--upheld AF tradition. As a combat tested Soldier he has accomplished every mission placed before him in an exemplary manner from his garrison units through Operation OIF/OEF, to the continuing fight on the Global War on Terrorism in a superb manner. He enhanced the overall efficiency of the 5th Division Iraqi Army maintenance program by effectively teaching and mentoring the higher echelons on all technical aspects of the M 1115 HMMWV. SGT DOE was an instrumental part of the Recovery Section for B Company, 204th BSB from 1 December 2009 to 1 June 2011. Sergeant Page managed perfect accountability of an inventory of equipment valued at $500,000. BUILDING STRONG Performance Related Awards, Continued Time Off Awards To recognize superior accomplishment typically for a short-term achievement A single award can range from 1-40 hours of time off, no more than 80 hours total in a leave year See table for determining appropriate amounts Second line supervisor can approve up to 8 hours; Director or Separate Office Chief He coordinated field trips and training with supervisors. There was a MILPER message from mid June that basically makes a retirement award a PCS award. With his skilled and faithfulness to his warrior companions he allowed over two hundred route clearance mission to come back without any remote initiated improvise explosive device to detonate. SERGEANT COX EXEMPLIFIED THE ARMY VALUES BY STRIVING FOR EXCELLENCE AND BY PLACING THE MISSION AND THE WELFARE OF HIS SOLDIERS BEFORE HIMSELF. From my understanding, an ETS award should cover everything you've done in your career. Examples can be contributed using the form below. Sample Army Achievement Medal. He exemplified all of the leader attributes and competencies during countless hours spent planning, organizing, and communicating with participants in order to make this event a success. The form enclosure list now contains a new eyewitness statement that must be used and attached in place of the certificate, affidavit, or sworn statement (DA Form 2823) when . SGT DOE proficiently trained and led his team in over 50 combat patrols which resulted in the security and force protection of COS Kalsu. SGT XXXXXX was a valuable asset to the 126th Military Police Company in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM 04-06. (Ref AR 600-8-22) Certificates for award of the Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) will be completed by the awarding commander and will bear his or her personal signature in the lower right side. His unwavering dedication to duty and unparalleled professionalism have consistently earned the respect of subordinates, peers, and superiors alike. His extensive knowledge of various Army topics, attention to detail, and impeccable military bearing set him ahead of his peers and was instrumental in him winning the board over seven other Soldiers from the Squadron. He also regularly led the morning platoon PT formation in Physical Readiness Training (PRT). Supervised over 100 Afghan military personnel and ensured all were trained to standard. SPC Merriweather set the physical fitness standard for other Signal soliders to follow, consistently scoring over 290 points on the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) and earning the APFT badge. The pair joked with one another while demonstrating Rex the . Thru his efforts the helicopter was repaired and returned to service ahead of schedule. 1SG Contra volunteered to coordinate the XXX Brigade Support Battalion Non Commissioned Officer Induction Ceremony. We would gladly compensate you for your help in making this a better tool for everyone! During his career, Master Sergeant Bond, by extra ordinary leadership, integrity and technical skills enhanced the readiness of numerous units throughout the total army, at home and deployed. SPC Doe went above and beyond the call of duty by staying after duty hours to help with aircraft and hanger cleaning and set up for a Company Memorial Service. His team's knowledge and skill helped the 501st Signal Battalion accomplish their mission. During his tenure here at 192nd Infantry Brigade, SSG Quiroga distinguished himself by performing his duties as the BDE S-3 Training Resource NCO, AMMO, Land, Range and Transportation Management NCO. His exceptional knowledge and expertise allowed his section to complete 27 recovery missions safely and without incident during training events prior to the deployment. SFC Snuffy has served as the standard bearer for all to emulate during his career. Thanks for your service and your support. While deployed to the Middle East, his superior efforts contributed to an amazing 100 percent aircraft commitment rate. In addition to helping out the community, she was also part of the relay for life walk to help raise funds for cancer research. Ms Chatmon served as SEDD's Team Budget Lead for less than two months before year end close out, and went beyond the call of duty by staying late and coming in on the weekends to ensure the job got done. His career has been marked by true professionalism and reflects great credit upon himself, the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade and the United States Army. MAJ Ral Rovira. exceptionally meritorious service as Platoon Sergeant, 229th Military Intelligence Battalion, Defense Language Institute and Foreign Language Center, Presidio of Monterey, California. He created, found, and used a variety of materials to challenge the squad and stimulate growth, as well as breaking down the training into appropriate segments for the time available and the ability level of the individual members of the squad. Sgt Deez exceptional leadership was vital to the success of J Company's force protection mission in support of Operation Freedom Sentinel. This is for you too! SM organized, conducted, and supervised the Bravo Company Change of Command 29 August through 13 October 2011 in the absence of a Company Executive Officer. He made it his own mission to perform the vital checks on the crew system every time anyone in the company left for a route clearance mission. An extended period should only be considered in those cases where the length or nature of the individual's terminal assignment would not qualify him or her for an appropriate award. Recognition upon retirement synced certs/3 flags flown/venue set for 28 attendees--honored 21 yrs of military service - POC f/ CMSgt retirement; led 13 prsnl/coordinated 20 DVs/honor'd 30 yrs of svc f/ 12 AF/CCC--coin'd by 12 AF/CC . While serving as the communications support systems specialist during OEF 10-11SPC Lovatto demonstrated outstanding motivation and dedication in the setup of 526th Brigade Support Battalin's commuications platform. He established a shop stock list of spare parts worth over $100,000. (NAME) served as the primary instructor for (insert), supporting the SFAB training plan. SVC MSM Senior Food Operations Sergeant. She has worked to devise a structured supply program that adheres to regulation and policy. She sacrificed countless personal hours to prepare herself for the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) Security+ test. During this time not only did he support his team and help to make sure they were physically and mentally healthy, but also served as a shining example in which his squad had performed a "knock out a bunker" lane to show the outstanding and unwavering motivation and dedication the squad had to their professional performance for General Hamm. He distinguished himself by ensuring that maneuver forces had timely and accurate information on insurgent activities in the Brigade Area of Responsibility. PCS MSM Observer Coach Trainer. Recommendations for awards being submitted to HQ, USA HRC for final action will be initiated sufficiently in advance to arrive not less than 90 days before the desired presentation date. Her capacity to adapt, adjust, and overcome allowed her to resolve issues and stressors throughout the exercise. Using a hair dryer, Honda generator and a poncho SPC Doe made sure that the parts were warmed up enough for the glue to cure properly. SPC excelled in teaching and leading his peers while assisting in the execution of 10 drivers training classes with a completion rate of 100% and over 250 soldiers being trained. 10,0000 Army Aviation Flight Hour Award. SPC Ross also aided new incoming Soldiers by welcoming and guiding them to the proper in-processing procedures. NCOER, Awards, and Counseling Tools Package, Award Bullets by Type (COA, AAM, ARCOM, MSM), See our 150+ Award Bullets Tool by award type in the, His unique skills and can do attitude greatly contributed to an amazing 100 percent aircraft commitment rate 100 military... Of importance and responsibility developed and published the standard bearer for all services! Oer are typically in paragraph form for all maritime services - Escorted family for retirement ceremony ; honors conveyed departing... 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    army retirement award bullets examples