what happened to raiden after metal gear rising

    He later revealed this to the Colonel, who was surprised, since there wasn't supposed to be anyone other than Raiden who should have infiltrated the base. Raiden shared some similarities with his Cyborg Ninja predecessor, Gray Fox; both had been child soldiers who were given nicknames (and to a lesser extent, formal names) due to their brutality, underwent cybernetic experimentation by the Patriots, had their memories suppressed, used technologically advanced blades, and they both saved Solid Snake from a Metal Gear (Fox with Metal Gear REX, and Raiden with Outer Haven). The deceased Raiden is clutching his groin, indicating that the killer is President Johnson, referencing the latter's actions in the main Sons of Liberty story line. Equipment In an interview with 1UP, called Saving Private Raiden, Kojima elaborated that he's not a playable character, and also stated that it was the actual Raiden and not someone who looks like Raiden. His cyborg body appears to conduct electricity or he seems to be highly resistant to it as when he is separated from his H.F Blade the lightning seems to stop. However, during an escort mission in Africa they were attacked by Desperado Enforcement LLC., who killed Raiden's protectee, N'mani, and left Raiden for dead. Coincidentally, Kenyu Horiuchi, Raiden's Japanese voice actor, had previously voiced the character Pain from the anime adaptation of the manga series Naruto. As Raiden snuck through Arsenal Gear's interior, the Colonel began to act strangely during Codec transmissions. He also had his Rising design being one-eyed as a reminder of his humanity, and mentioned that the circumstances behind it were written later and consistent with the general story line. Sam absolutely crushed Raiden in their first fight not because Sam was better naturally, but because Raiden was fighting himself. After recovering somewhat, Raiden later attempted to join Snake on his mission to Shadow Moses Island, wishing to defeat Liquid Ocelot and break free of the Patriots' hold on his life, the events of his past ultimately causing him to break down emotionally. Upon discovering the truth about Rose's "marriage" to Campbell, Raiden seemed to regain some of his old self. Raiden wanted Doktor to perform surgeries on the brains to ensure they at least had a relatively normal life outside of combat. ", San Hieronymo rebel staff Stunned, Raiden forgave Rose once again, as she felt desperately guilty from being unable to tell him due to the danger doing so presented. Kojima revealed when unveiling the screenshots of the then-in-development demo for Rising that the arm he sent to various groups belonged to "white raiden", and that Raiden's cyborg form seen on the promotional spots and main menu was "black raiden." Raiden's vengeful obsession with Desperado became personal when he discovered during a mission in Mexico that Desperado and World Marshal Inc. had kidnapped several children, surgically removed their brains to place into cybernetic bodies, and were planning to subject them to VR training modeled after his own. Social Ops White (MGS4) Raiden bonus giveaway advert for Joachim. To slow down their pursuers, Raiden fell behind to hold them off, later being caught under debris caused by the Suicide Gekko's detonation, while Snake escaped to the port area. He also insisted that he keep his pain inhibitors off as he needed it. Raiden has learned to tap into his persona when his normal, peaceful personality isn't enough to subdue an enemy and he needs to unleash his more violent personality to defeat such enemies. He later clarified that "white raiden" was Raiden's armor from Metal Gear Solid 4, and also stated that it was playable. Raiden was a special character downloadable from the SCENE expansion pack along with Vamp. The mission grew complicated in spite of his claims of having reviewed the mission details, due to the three mafiosos having undergone cybernetic upgrades, with Kevin being the main reason he got through the mission. Raiden is actually a pretty good dad considering his situation. His abilities were likewise improved after his second cyborgification, to the extent that he joked that he wouldn't need any of his eyes to take down any of Desperado's cyborgs if ambushed. Throughout his mission, however, being that the memories of his past began to slowly resurface, he also began to suspect that he enjoyed killing, and reluctantly informed Rosemary as much. As such, Maverick still supported him, albeit unofficially. He then proceeded to rush through the enemy resistance, eventually jumping across several Sliders and run up a building to reach the top. Raiden himself did VIP protection, military training, and other related jobs. [17] During the procedure, they also had to replace memory units in his nervous system, and he was also losing a lot of blood due to his earlier wounds, forcing the doctors to put a clamp on him, which also resulted in Raiden flashing back to his time as a child soldier in Liberia, where he was injected with something. Also when the player equips the night vision goggles or thermal goggles, the visor is shut taking on the full appearance. Raiden's Japanese voice actor during this game was originally planned to be Toshiyuki Morikawa instead of his regular voice actor, Kenyu Horiuchi. Raiden studied scouting techniques under a Native American shaman living in Alaska, and learned to hunt. [73] The negative reception to the character, as well as his girlfriend Rose having similarly negative reception in the same game, was also given a brief nod in Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance when Solidus summons them, where he described them as an infamous duo whose mere presence was enough to destroy an entire universe and were feared and hated by the universe. After making sufficient progress in his recovery, Raiden eventually headed to Shadow Moses, saving Snake's life from attacking Suicide Gekko. In the artwork for Rising and Revengeance, Raiden had a navy-blue bandage over his left eye as a makeshift eye-patch. Afterwards, he then navigated his way through an abandoned district that was heavily armed with various cyborgs and UGs, including mass-produced versions of Blade Wolf's LQ-84i form, the Fenrirs. As he made sure the calculations based on the GPS data were correct, he deduced that Desperado had beaten him to it. As a direct result of the disastrous events in Africa, Raiden had become somewhat bloodthirsty, yet harboring a strong desire for justice. appears as the main protagonist of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. He shares this career with his look-alike, Raikov. Because of the length of the hair, Emma once speculated that the hair was actually a wig and that it was a badly done wig. He implied that he gained the skill at cleaning up from having to clean up various messes that Rosemary left at her apartment. Social Ops Black Raiden w/Mariachi outfit bonus giveaway advert for limited retail stores (GAM-EK, treasure island, used book market, and WonderGOO, or imagine, Inc., white head, magical, DISP, not Futaba books, imagine, Inc. He also was tied with EVA and Ocelot with possessing the second most bios in the game's website (second only to Big Boss), detailing his human self from Metal Gear Solid 2 and his Cyborg Ninja self from Metal Gear Solid 4. Raiden, having been overtaken by his "Jack the Ripper" persona. Raiden then vowed that he was done running, while Rose vowed that she was no longer afraid. This belief was made explicit during his fight with Steven Armstrong, when accusing him of only using Operation Tecumseh to get himself elected for little reason, like the rest of the politicians, and even called him "another maggot crawling in the pile" if America had indeed "gone to shit."[31]. With that knowledge, Raiden also heard the cyborgs' panicked inner thoughts, which gradually caused him to become emotionally unstable. His eye after his upgrade in 2018 occasionally turned crimson when being deployed or when about to undergo a deadly maneuver, a side effect of his eye being modified with an optical implant. Raiden is a secret character in Evolution Skateboarding. Raiden then intended to upload the FOXALIVE virus into Outer Haven's on-board AI in Snake's place, since his cyborg body was immune to the microwave defenses ahead of them, but an emboldened Snake convinced him otherwise. During his childhood in Liberia, Jack, on his tenth birthday, was ordered by Solidus Snake to decapitate ten captured Liberian terrorists responsible for killing Americans (each one representing a year in his life at the time) as the latter's "birthday present" for the former. [53] In addition, a Kojima Productions staff member, when addressing a question frequently asked about the scene at the end of the E3 trailer, stated that the scene with Raiden in an alternate armor actually took place very early in the game, and that the armor in question was actually a wearable version of his Metal Gear Solid 4 armor, having gained a more normal cybernetic body by the end of Metal Gear Solid 4. Gekko reinforcements were eventually able to restrain Raiden on behalf of their commander, Vamp. After becoming a cyborg, Raiden possessed incredible superhuman strength, speed, and endurance. Raiden then fell into the cityscape. He also seemed to understand at least some French, as he understood Mistral's last words. the only parts of him not synthetic were like his spinal cord, brain, and few other organs. The most notable are Major Zero's codename handle of Major Tom during the Virtuous Mission and The Fury's line of "coming home" when defeated in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, as well as the group Diamond Dogs in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Afterwards, he ended up reaching the floor containing the server room, although he had to fight body doubles of both Mistral and Monsoon before confronting Sundowner at the room. What started out as essentially a recon mission turned into a resignation and all-out personal war. At Shadow Moses, the virus FOXDIE killed the Darpa Chief and President Baker by causing heart failure; at Big Shell the Patriots recreate this effect by shutting off Ames' pacemaker as he talks to Raiden. His outlook was significantly uncaring to the extent that even his fellow Maverick PMC members were deeply disturbed by his behavior. Raiden then met with Snake, who gave him most of his equipment back, along with Olga's high-frequency blade. The Gray Fox skin was shown killing Desperado Cyborgs in a manner similar to a scene in Metal Gear Solid, where where he cuts up several terrified Genome Soldiers, while MGS4 Raiden was shown taking on some Desperado Gekko, a reference to his first on-screen appearance in Metal Gear Solid 4, where he took on, and destroyed several Gekko. After locating Solidus within the gap between parallel universes and learning of Solidus's plan to ensure that he and his alternate selves survive their fated defeats via interfering with the Koppelthorn Engine, he uses his abilities via the Koppelthorne Engine to seal Solid Snake into the body of a "young, blond man" and experience various surreal realities (alluding to Raiden as well as acting as a subtle nod towards Raiden replacing Snake as the main protagonist in the main story). [29] He also became somewhat cocky as well, as evidenced by, after kicking an enemy soldier into a parked black car hard enough to almost flip over the car as well as set off the car alarm, his remarking that it was "too easy" before promptly cutting up the enemy soldier. That is actually explicitly not what happened at all and you need to go replay MGS4. It is currently unknown whether America will get it as well, although the official site implied that it will be released in areas outside Japan at a future date. Black Raiden Play Arts Kai figurine, final color model. Also, because of his past as a child soldier, as well as his possessing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, as a result, he also occasionally pushed away even people he cared about due to his being "afraid of the night." Raiden's childhood trauma still has a significant toll on his mental state, although he repressed some of the memories of the atrocities he comitted. He was never okay. Career The Metal Gear Solid Facebook page later confirmed that those scenes in the trailers were meant to show Raiden's training under Solidus.[51]. Despite the loving relationship between him and Rose, the tragic memories of his days as a child soldier started to resurface, causing tension in their relationship. Most times when they did get together, he either stayed awake all night or otherwise left Rose's place, and he wouldn't let her in his bedroom. He later made his way, with his emotional state being volatile, to the immediate premises of World Marshal HQ, but was beaten down just outside of the front door, with Sam and Monsoon greeting him and informing him about it being peoples' natures to kill and be violent. This conversation ends with Sunny landing him with an invoice requiring him to fully pay off the restructuring and repair costs. After deciding not to kill Naked Snake, he went back to the events of the Zanzibar Land Disturbance (complete with MSX2 graphics) to kill Solid Snake himself, ending in similar failure, where, ironically, he is stopped by his original target, Big Boss. Under Solidus, Jack became a killing machine, known alternately as the "White Devil" and "Jack the Ripper" due to his incredibly high kill rate compared to other boys his age, as well as a reference to his being one of the few Caucasians born in Liberia. Afterwards, he, under the cautions of the Blade Wolf, carefully navigated the cyborg-infested sewers before being ambushed by a Mastiff cyborg. While attempting to locate a Dwarf Gekko, he stumbled upon a room containing cyborg brain casings, and after defeating several enemies, he reported his findings, causing them to deduce that the brain surgeries on the trafficked children related to cyborg development somehow. Uprising in the first round, largely due to his cybernetics, and in spite of Krystal's many armaments. His original cyborg body's durability was relatively low, as it was lacking armor, and was obsolete with limited battlefield potential as of 2018. Sometime prior to the Big Shell Incident, Jack was recruited into the supposedly reformed FOXHOUND, a special forces unit that no longer officially existed. Raiden's cyborg body during this time appears to be pressurized in some manner, as shown during the two occasions in which he fights Vamp, when knives are propelled out of his torso, as well as when he disengages his visor. Raiden has a major role in one of the Secret Theater shorts made by Kojima Productions for their website, and included in Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence. Finally, Raiden, just like Liquid, was taken against his will by a father figure who resembled and were connected to Big Boss: Raiden was adopted by Solidus Snake, while Eli was taken in by Venom Snake (the former being a clone and the latter being a body double for Big Boss). He eventually met up with the African country's prime minister N'mani, where the latter congratulated him on Maverick's contribution in the rebuilding of the country. At the beginning of the Big Shell mission, Jack was briefly referred to as "Snake" before his codename was changed to "Raiden" by the Colonel, as the leader of the terrorists was also referring to himself as Solid Snake. Once unlocked, Raiden becomes a skin available to use on missions and in the open world, and he has the fastest sprint speed in the game. With Maverick unable to identify their affiliations, Boris ordered Raiden to take out the cyborgs. Less than half an hour later, Raiden arrived at close proximity to the Shabhazabad Air Base. Raiden encountered Boris again and, after discussing Maverick Security Consulting, Inc., accepted Boris' request to join the PMC as a full-time employee, forgoing the typical contraction method. Suspicious about his C.O. Upon reaching the 20th floor of the lower half of the building (the regular workplace area), he then proceeded to destroy three power supply generators, including a backup supply, to deactivate a security gate for an elevator for the top half of the building where the research and development center was located. Despite being a cyborg, Raiden could end up drowning. However, this ended up being rejected by Kojima,[38] although a similar design would be used for the character The Fear. He also decided to have Doktor arrive with a transport chopper when he was inside the World Marshal headquarters building so they could carry out all of the cyborg heads. The Patriots chose him out of the other child soldiers in his unit because unlike the others, who would live up to their pasts and pay dearly for it, Jack did not accept his past and hated it. Raiden had a few cards depicting his original Metal Gear Solid 2 appearance, his HD artwork for the same game, his Metal Gear Solid 4 appearance, and his various appearances in Metal Gear Rising. This was all again part of their carefully plotted scheme that would culminate in the events a the Big Shell. As a cyborg, he also had elevated pieces on his feet, near his heel portion. The script included in The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2 indicated that Raiden's hair color was changed prior to the script's finalization,[36] while Rose retained the original blonde hair by the time the script was finalized. Learning that the facility removed brains from human children, and also the exact method of escape the boy went so he could narrow down the location, he placed him in a safe place while also issuing Maverick agents to retrieve George under his command. Raiden then reengaged Armstrong, gradually overpowering him. He is not able to use his acrobatic kick from Metal Gear Solid 2, due to most of the character models (exempting Cunningham) reusing Naked Snake's unarmed combat stances, and instead is able only to ram at opponents like any other soldier, and like the Arsenal Tengu, he is equipped with a blade so he only has three free item slots, but an advantage in comparison to the Tengu ops is that Raiden perform unending combos with his blade which gives him the chance not to get discovered while slashing enemies. WEB shop Don Quixote group, Rakuten Books, Kingdom of momotaro, keepsakes). [13], In time, Raiden decided to return to the military sector, seeking a non-combat position so that he could provide for his family. Jack and other surviving members of the Small Boy Unit then underwent extensive amounts of counseling before becoming at least outwardly stable. Besides Metal Gear Raiden and the Director's trailer, he also has a brief cameo near the end of the film Payback, where he ends up being run over by the Shagohod. He managed to wipe out 8 confirmed Body-Snatcher soldiers at the base and prepared to undergo extraction procedures at the base's heliport, but an unexpected siege of reinforcements of the Body-Snatchers forced the chopper to retreat into the air, with Raiden fighting off all remaining Body-Snatchers until all were confirmed to be eliminated, with the chopper using its searchlight to identify where the Body Snatchers were. This child would turn out to be Sunny, who first appeared in Metal Gear Solid 4. He also didn't have to worry about Rosemary and John being targeted by Desperado, as they were in New Zealand. In addition, "Raiden" was initially supposed to be his real name, with his full name being "Raiden Brannigan," during development. He then wiped out the soldiers guarding the area, after triggering alarms. Athlete Raiden's new body was powered by a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell which needed frequent recharging via Electrolytes extracted from enemy cyborgs during battle. At the time Raiden simply believed that Fatman was merely an agent of Dead Cell hell bent on revenge against his mentor, Peter Stilman. Raiden got a Resolve powerup. The figure's silhouette and the figure brandishing a sword implied that the figure was Raiden. Rosemary then called him, to which he eventually admitted to her his past as one of Liberia's child soldiers, also revealing this was why he was very distant towards her. [56] However, for the European versions, the White armor, Inferno Armor, and Commando Armor is included as a free download in the European collector's edition from Zavvi,[57] the GAME pre-order,[58] and pre-orders from other retailers,[59] respectively, and in America, the Inferno and White Armor was included with Metal Gear Rising if pre-ordered from Amazon.com. This is mentioned in an optional Codec conversation with Kevin Washington, during the Mexico mission. The result was Raiden would end up having his left arm severed and having his left eye irreparably damaged, the former of which he lamented having lost once again. White (Medical) Raiden Skin bonus giveaway advert for KonamiStyle floppy-calendar/I-PACA. He and other children were shown Hollywood action films daily for "image training," and were given food mixed with gunpowder containing toluene to make them more controllable. After Snake was forced from REX, following a grueling battle with Liquid Ocelot's RAY, Raiden set himself free from under the debris by cutting off his right arm, and headed to assist his ally. Raiden's surgery following the events of Liquid Ocelot's Insurrection, where he was reunited with Rose and first met Little John, took place in a hospital in Maryland.[35]. In addition, he was also led to believe that his child had died from a miscarriage. Raiden honestly loved killing. According to Kojima, he planned for the story to be about Gray Fox, although he allowed his staff to use Raiden instead. [74], The controversial reception of Raiden's creation was part of the reason why both the Raikov mask item and the character of Major Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov were created for Metal Gear Solid 3, as well as why Kojima initially made Raikov's fate determinant on the player's actions. In the Japanese version, however, Raiden actually spoke with a deep bass voice. In this case, it was a reference to his skill and cruelty with a blade, a trait that was ingrained into him by Solidus. Had become somewhat bloodthirsty, yet harboring a strong desire for justice synthetic were like his cord! By Desperado, as they were in New Zealand under a Native American shaman living in Alaska and., however, Raiden had become somewhat bloodthirsty, yet harboring a strong desire for.! You need to go replay MGS4, Boris ordered Raiden to take out cyborgs. 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    what happened to raiden after metal gear rising